Husband & Reznek's Imaging in Oncology, 4th edition (Original PDF from Publisher) - Afkebooks - Medical ebooks for Doctors

Husband & Reznek’s Imaging in Oncology, 4th edition (Original PDF from Publisher)


Format: Publisher PDF


Posted By: Googali

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published date: 27 Sep 20

This comprehensive reference provides an overview of the general principles of cancer staging, as well as specific discussions of each tumour type across the body, including lymphoma and haematological malignancies. For each tumour, the pattern of disease involvement and disease spread are emphasized, the state-of-the-art imaging features surveyed, and the latest tumour staging and methods to assess treatment response are addressed. Separate sections discuss metastatic disease and the effects of treatment on normal and diseased tissues. The final section of the book highlights emerging functional and molecular imaging techniques to evaluate the different biological hallmarks of cancer.

Product Details

  • Hardcover:849 pages
  • ISBN-10:113830123X
  • ISBN-13:978-1138301238
  • Publisher:CRC Press; 4th Edition (October 12, 2020)
  • Language::English



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