The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on People and their Lives (EPUB) - Afkebooks - Medical ebooks for Doctors

The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on People and their Lives (EPUB)


Format: EPUB


Posted By: AfkEbooks

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published date: 17 Oct 23


This book explores the unparalleled adversities and strain that the COVID-19 pandemic caused on the social and economic lives of people.

The book allows readers a glimpse into the experiences of death of near and dears, loss of livelihood, psychological trauma, restrictions on movement and social life, shifts in international relations, and effects on big and small industries caused by the pandvnemic. It focusses on the major shifts caused within communities and highlights how politics, power dynamics, and socio-cultural systems have been reset and recovered during recent times. The volume also offers suggestions to offset economic hardships the pandemic has caused especially to the poor and marginalized as well as policy changes to help governments and communities to build more resilient economic and health infrastructure and support systems.

With interdisciplinary contributions, this book is an essential read for students and researchers of public health, social sciences, health economics, healthcare management, development studies, public policy, and South Asian studies.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Taylor and Francis; September 25, 2023
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9781032342313
  • ISBN: 9781000775532



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