Sqadia Immunology 2021 (Videos) - Afkebooks - Medical ebooks for Doctors

Sqadia Immunology 2021 (Videos)


Format: 327

Posted By: Dr_magic

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published date: 14 Aug 21

sqadia.com has breathed life into the concept of V-learning™, with our medical editing team and professional educators, ensuring each lecture is a jackpot of information, packaged to you in an engaging manner. Providing an experience, that is beyond the classroom with special focus on deepening the understanding of the clinical practice and medical examinations, in relation to real-life case studies, so students are able to truly learn and assimilate all concepts. Explore through our vast catalogue of over 1500+ video lectures, to learn a huge range of topics.


Bite-sized videos packed with everything you need to know in just 120 seconds….Hence the name “sqadia120”. How genius! So, if you are looking for just an overview, we got you covered!

Exam Tips

Looking for important questions your examiner might ask in your oral exam? Or just need notes to go through a single topic? Just watch our exam tips! They are short videos that accompany our full length lectures. They act as visual notes, which are focusing on just a single topic.

Crash Courses

The course will give the student an overview of the curriculum and content. Such courses are quite useful if you want a quick introduction to a very extensive subject.For students, this is particularly useful tool up to the exam.


- 2-Minute Immunology_ Autoimmunity
- 3 Causes of Thrombocytopenia
- 4 Types of Hypersensitivity Reactions
- Aids and Other Immunodeficiencies - I
- AIDS and other Immunodeficiencies - II
- AIDS and other Immunodeficiencies - III
- AIDS and other Immunodeficiencies - IV
- Antibodies – I
- Antibodies – II
- Antigen Antibody Interactions - I
- Antigen Antibody Interactions - II
- Antigen Processing and Presentation
- Antigens
- Autoimmunity
- B-Cell Generation, Activation and Differentiation - I
- B-Cell Generation, Activation and Differentiation - II
- B-Cell Generation, Activation and Differentiation - III
- Cancer and the Immune System - I
- Cancer and the Immune System - II
- Cancer and the Immune System - III
- Cancer and the Immune System - IV
- Cell and Organs of the Immune System
- Cell Mediated Effector Responses
- Cells Involved in Immunity
- Cytokines - I
- Cytokines - II
- Diseases Caused By Immune Reponses_ Hypersenstivity - I
- Diseases Caused By Immune Reponses_ Hypersenstivity - II
- Diseases Caused by Immune Responses_ Autoimmunity
- Experimental Systems
- Hypersensitive Reactions – I
- Hypersensitive Reactions – II
- Immune Response to Infectious Diseases
- Immunity to Microbes - Bacteria
- Immunity to Microbes - Viruses
- Immunity to Tumors
- Introduction to Immunology
- Leukocyte Migration and Inflammation - I
- Leukocyte Migration and Inflammation - II
- Major Histocompatibility Complex - I
- Major Histocompatibility Complex - II
- Major Histocompatibility Complex - III
- Organization and Expression of Immunoglobulin Genes - I
- Organization and Expression of Immunoglobulin Genes - II
- Overview of the Immune System
- Receptors in Immunity
- T-Cell Maturation, Activation and Differentiation - I
- T-Cell Maturation, Activation and Differentiation - II
- T-Cell Maturation, Activation and Differentiation - III
- The Complement System - I
- The Complement System - II
- The Complement System - III
- The T-Cell Receptor - I
- The T-Cell Receptor - II
- The T-Cell Receptor - III
- Transplantation Immunology
- Vaccines
- What are the types of Organ Transplantation_
- What is Ataxia Telangiectasia_



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