Side Effects of Drugs Annual, Volume 45 (Original PDF from Publisher) - Afkebooks - Medical ebooks for Doctors

Side Effects of Drugs Annual, Volume 45 (Original PDF from Publisher)


Format: Publisher PDF


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published date: 08 Apr 24


Side Effects of Drugs Annual: A Worldwide Yearly Survey of New Data in Adverse Drug Reactions, Volume 45, first published in 1977, presents clinicians and medical investigators with a critical survey of new data and trends in adverse drug reactions and interactions. Topics covered include ADRs, ADEs and SEDs: A Bird’s Eye View, Lithium, Drugs of abuse, Side effects of drugs used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, Sedatives and hypnotics, Antipsychotic agents, Anti-epileptic Medications, Side effects of opioid analgesics and narcotic antagonists, Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic analgesics and drugs used in gout, Side effects of local anesthetics and therapeutic gases, and more.

Other sections covered include Antihistamines (H1 receptor antagonists), Drugs that act on the respiratory tract, Positive inotropic drugs and drugs used in dysrhythmias, Beta adrenergic antagonists and antianginal drugs, Drugs acting on the cerebral and peripheral circulations, Antihypertensive drugs, and much much more.

Provides a critical yearly survey of the new data and trends regarding the side effects of drugs Authored and reviewed by worldwide pioneers in the clinical and practice sciences Presents an essential clinical guide on the side effects of drugs for practitioners and healthcare professionals alike

Product Details

  • Publisher: Elsevier Science; October 30, 2023
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9780443193965
  • ISBN: 9780443193972



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