Definitive Review of Medicine for USMLE (Original PDF from Publisher) - Afkebooks - Medical ebooks for Doctors

Definitive Review of Medicine for USMLE (Original PDF from Publisher)


Format: Publisher PDF

Posted By: AfkEbooks

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published date: 11 Jan 21

Preparation for USMLE is more of an art form than just labor. It is more about following a certain path, rather than running all over the field. This axiom gains more credibility especially when you are studying Medicine for USMLE. I do not know how possible it is to master the field of medicine, but I am sure it is not at all easy. But thankfully, Medicine in USMLE is not about its vastness or obscure details but more about basics and their application. As someone who has 'danced the dance' of USMLE, I realized during my times of preparation that there is no single work in review of medicine that suffices the need of actual exam. One has to refer to so many things and go through a lot of hassles to make oneself ready for it. So my endeavor of writing this book is to gather all the information in medicine, required to champion the USMLE, in one book. From my personal USMLE experience and as an author, I would suggest you to make your fundamentals clear and be adept at their application

Product Details

  • Publisher:Jaypee Brothers Medical Pub; 1st edition (June 30, 2009)
  • Language::English
  • Paperback:232 pages
  • ISBN-10:8184485271
  • ISBN-13:978-8184485271
  • ISBN-13:9788184485271
  • eText ISBN: 9781441684479
  • eText ISBN: 9788184485387
  • Item Weight:1.1 pounds
  • Dimensions:8.5 x 11 inches



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