Dates in Ophthalmology (Original PDF from Publisher) - Afkebooks - Medical ebooks for Doctors

Dates in Ophthalmology (Original PDF from Publisher)


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published date: 04 Oct 20

The development of ophthalmology to its present level of sophisticated practice is an extraordinary story of research, experiment, and achievement. Dates in Ophthalmology: A Chronological Record of Progress in Ophthalmology over the Last Millennium charts the progress of that achievement over the last millennium, highlighting and describing the key dates of advancement. It presents a concise listing of the chief personages, periods, publications, and events in the history of ophthalmology from ancient times to the present.The book demonstrates how ideas, discoveries, and technologies cross borders and oceans. It illustrates the interplay of subspecialties, the changing pre-eminence of countries and cities, and the explosions of creativity and generations of dormancy in various areas. The author highlights the numerous and diverse events and people responsible for shaping this specialty.There are many ways of looking at history: from the standpoint of the lives of major figures, of society and impact, of subspecialties, of countries, of institutions, and of books. By presenting its information chronologically, Dates in Ophthalmology explores the how these areas intersect, influence, and impact each other.

Product Details

  • Item Weight:15 ounces
  • Paperback:232 pages
  • ISBN-10:0367395681
  • ISBN-13:978-0367395681
  • Publisher:CRC Press; 1st Edition (September 11, 2019)
  • Language::English



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